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HTML Hints

This page will provide various hints and tricks I've learned using HTML.  And if you have any tips and tricks about HTML or FrontPage 2000 or Adobe Pagemill or any other HTML editor, feel free to e-mail me with them and I will post them here as well, giving you full credit of course.

Stop Picture Pirating

If you have images on your page that you don't want anyone having access to, try inserting this little piece of JavaScript between the <HEAD>...</HEAD> tags of the page you want to protect.

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function click()
     alert('Hey, did I say you could have a picture?')

document.onmousedown=click// --></script>

This script is used on my Family pages to prevent right-clicking on the images and then selecting the "Save As..." option to save the images.  I do this simply because I don't want some wacko out there getting pictures of my daughter OR me.  I figure if you want an image, ask me.