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    Nothing in life can compare to joys (and pains) of being a father.  And the relationship between a little girl and her father is indeed a special one.  This page is a tribute to my daughter, Katie.  She is indeed a ray of sunshine in an otherwise drab world.  My daughter, my love for you knows no end.



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Katie at 18 months You talkin' to me?



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Why no, Daddy, I didn't eat the last cookie, honest! Katie and two of her favorite friends, Pongo and Perdy.



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What do you mean, 'Say Cheese!' ? I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.



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Are we done yet? Daddy's Little Girl


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Santa's Little Helper Too cute for words!


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Ok, now what do I do with this leaf? Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight....


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Can I keep the leaves? Dear God, thank you for the pretty trees...


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Is it Christmas yet?